2.1 What is the Objective of the Speech?

Objective? Huh?

Oftentimes, when I sit down with a speaker for the first time to work on the content, I ask this question - and I get a blank stare in return.

Most speakers do not consider this question before they prepare to deliver their talks. They just put something together that seems to meet the obligation.

Ask yourself: What are you trying to accomplish with this messaging?

Is it a review of a completed project to show it in the best light to management?  

Is it an inspirational speech to motivate your team or deep dive of figures?

Is it a pitch where you want them to take some action that you suggest?

Consider this when preparing your speech so that you can hit the mark with the content you are creating.

There should be some emotion you are trying to touch, such as enthusiasm, pride, awareness, curiosity, concern - even if the information is dry and serious.

Answer this: The objective of this speech is to: __________________________

Keep this in mind as you go through this process and it will make your presentation even more memorable, because you are clear about the outcome you want to achieve.

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